Tuesday 4 March 2014

Bannana Pancakes ♥

Where have those been my entire life???

I can't believe I spent so many years eating the full-of-flour version, absolutely unaware that I could actually make super tasty (AND healthy) pancakes from exactly two ingredients: eggs + bannana!!!!! 

Healthy and delicious! Good bye old fashioned pancakes, I will not miss you. :*

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 ripe bannana ( I made 4 small pancakes out of this amount).

P.S. In case you want to make the prep time more enjoyable, choose this (awesome)song to accompany you!


Saturday 5 October 2013

Focus T25 - Alpha Stage

Done! Yes! Huráááááááá!

Have you heard about “new” Shaun T’s work-out program? No? Then no worries, I’m here to change that. If you belong to the group of people who don’t like or can’t afford spending money for gym or zumba/spinning/bikram yoga/ (add what you like) classes and like to exercise on their own in the privacy of their homes, then this post is made just for you.

Lots of people know Shaun T due to his insane work-out program called INSANITY. I was also one of those jumping/sprinting/squatting/lounging crazy people who exercised everyday with this guy for at least 55 minutes a day. I gotta say, it didn’t work for me. I honestly did it all without cheating, every single day for the whole two months and my body couldn’t be happier after I finally finished. It was so hard on me that even my period stopped for the time I was exercising and didn’t come back until I finished. But that’s probably why Shaun came up with something else, something called FOCUS T25. Why T25? Because every workout lasts mere 25 minutes! Sounded like heaven to me when I first heard about it. And my intuition was right. It’s really great. I mean, don’t be confused, it’s still freaking HARD. One wouldn’t believe how long 25 minutes can be.

It’s divided into 4 stages – alpha, beta, pure gamma and strength hybrid gamma. As you could guess from the title of this post, I just nailed the alpha stage! And I’m looking forward to starting with beta. I must add that even though it’s called just alpha, don’t expect anything easy as I did. If you think that sweating hours with Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper or whoever else have prepared you for this, then you’re probably wrong. But I still encourage you to try this! Who wouldn’t want to be fit thanks to only 25 minutes per day?


Thursday 3 October 2013

Back in Scotland

Paisley Abbey - made by me
I can’t believe it’s been more than a year since I arrived to Glasgow (and then Paisley) for the first time. But the end of September arrived and unfortunately (or fortunately?) the end of holidays came with it as well. I’ve been here for three weeks now and I can tell you…time is a funny thing. To me, it feels like only a couple of days have passed. But I’m pretty sure I know the reason for it. Troubles…complications…challenges…call it as you wish.  But I tend to look on things in positive way and these troubles in paradise have one huge advantage – I don’t have time to be homesick.

I’ve moved flats (only few streets away from each other) which caused some forced running around offices of all sorts – from council through Uni to bank and so on. Also the process of looking for a new flat itself wasn’t totally easy peasy.  But I managed successfully and I couldn’t love this new nest of mine more than I do!! I live only with my best friend now, which is a beautiful and welcoming change after sharing one old flat with three other people (really really really messy people if I might add).

Add some financial troubles with taxes (that I shouldn’t pay when I’m a student, but for some reason they suddenly don’t care about this insignificant detail), not working internet, complications with payment of electricity and gas and trying not to be the worst student at the Uni plus even have some social life…and I think it’s quite obvious what I’ve been doing for these few last weeks.

Nevertheless, life is as bad as our thoughts are…so I’m stopping all the self-pitying . Life is a game and I’d like to enjoy it with all that comes with it. J



Friday 30 August 2013

Summer in full swing!

Surprise, I'm alive!

My only excuse being that it's a summer time... What can I say. Sun, water, drinks, festivals, friends, family visits, travelling... I'm sure you all know what I mean. And I honestly hope you are enjoying this summer at least as half as much as I do.

I don't even know where to start. I'm spending everyday with someone dear to me, because I'm returning to Scotland in half of September and I won't see anyone for a looong time. And I miss them already. So it's one date after another...Coffee with one friend, gym with another, cinema with someone else, one day trip with someone else, party with a group of friends, party with another group of friends, dinners with different parts of my family...you see what I mean...? I'm definitely not complaining! But I must admit it's definitely a lot time-consuming and also a bit exhausting.

What have I been up to? Among other things:

  • I visited the westest west of our beloved Czechland - . My mum has her aunt and cousins there, but we don't see them very often since we are separated by at least 500 kilometres. Thanks to this trip, I've been able to see the lovely and extremely beautiful Karlovy Vary. I even got my picture taken in front of the Pupp, as a proper movie star! :)
  • I finally overcame my huge fear of fitness gyms! An I am now proud to call myself a regular visitor! Soon, I'm going to write a post on this specific topic and share my eperience with you, hoping it would help someone who is just as scared of the gyms as I was only a few weeks ago.
  • I became a winoholic. :D
  • I had a great time in Slovakian Tatralandia and in their breathtaking countryside - Low and High Tatras.
  • I also travelled through our beautiful Republic to Prague, Louny and neighborhood.
  • I started to read tarot cards.
  • I finally bought and tried Sudocrem! With great results, so far. I'm gonna write more on this topic.
  • I went no-poo!!! You don't know what I mean? I will write a whole article about this soon.
To find out more, just keep tuned. It's that easy.


Monday 8 July 2013

Special (czech) edition

I planned on writing a totally different post today, but one has to pamper their readers. One reader, to be accurate. So here it is, a (czech) gift to my first follower!

Začnu hezky na pozitivní notě. A tou vlastně i skončím. Já negativní být neumím...a ani nechci.

Každý máme nějakou tu věc, na které si ujíždíme. Nechci říkat přímo závislost, nerada bych totiž přiznávala, že jsem na něčem závislá, to je docela logický. Navíc se za závislou opravdu  nepovažuji a to i přesto, že jsem si vědoma, že popírání je jedno z hlavních symptomů. Je to prostě jen moje slabost. A o čem to vlastně mluvím? O lacích na nehty přece!!!

Pár dní zpátky jsem si v dmku pořídila tu slavnou coloramu, na kterou tak všichni pějí ódy. Neberte to, za 30 kč. Odstíny, ze kterých bylo na výběr, byly všechny moc krásný, a že jich bylo. Já mám ráda výrazné, extravagantní barvičky, ale kvůli mamce jsem pořídila naprostý opak extravagance (viz foto), aby si mohla půjčovat.

Ale co je důležitý! Sice laky miluju, ale i přesto je pro mě obrovská výzva najít nějaký, se kterým bych byla spokojená. Hned následující den po nalakování, kolikrát i ještě ten samý den, mi lak začne slízat ze špiček nehtů a to i přesto, že jsem na něj dala i top coat. Světe div se, colorama je přesně to, po čem tak dlouho toužím!! Mám ji třetí den a stále vypadá jak čerstvě nalakovaná, a to i bez top coatu. Ani ždibeček se neseškrábl. Až bych z toho štěstím brečela. Proto v následujících dnech poběžím hned pro další odstín. A vřele všem doporučuji!!

Druhá věc. Jelikož věřím, že by člověk neustále měl překračovat a posouvat své vlastní hranice a rozvíjet se tak v lepší a lepší verzi sama sebe, ráda podstupuji takové osobní minivýzvy. Jedna z nich je ta, že zítra mám v plánu jít poprvé v životě do posilovny, a to i přesto, že z toho mám naprostou hrůzu. Další takovou výzvu jsem se rozhodla absolvovat dnes. A sice, že vyrazím na sestřenčinu oslavu se rtěnkou, o které jsem si nikdy nemyslela, že s ní vyjdu mezi lidi. Abyste tomu rozuměli, mám docela výrazné rty. A co takové výrazné rty podle mě moc nepotřebují, je třikrát tak výraznější rtěnka. Připadám si pak jak šašek od cirkusu.

Jak jsem k takovému odstínu vůbec přišla, když to nemám ráda? No to bylo tak... asi jsem zrovna podstupovala nějaké výrazné zatmění mysli, když jsem si projížděla katalog oriflamu za účelem pořídit si rtěnku. Objednala jsem si odstín podle toho, jak vypadal na obrázku (do hněda). A už mě absolutně nerozhodilo, že odstín se jmenoval "radiant red". Nevím, kde jsem tehdy nechala mozek... Nicméně je mi té chudinky líto, jak už měsíce jen leží v šuplíku, a tak si pro dnešek zahraju na vympýrku. Držte mi palce ať újma na mém sebevědomí není příliš markantní. 

Zakončím to menším fitness tipem. Pokud vás, tak jako mě, unavuje denodenně cvičit to samé (ačkoliv jsem tak začínala, už mi tento styl vůbec nevyhovuje), tak podobných tipů pak není nikdy dost. Vřele vám doporučím koho jiného, než naši Jillian.

U tohoto 25 minutového videa jsem se včera tak neskutečně zpotila, že se to ani nedá popsat. Mohlo to být i díky horkému dusnému počasí, ale větší díl přičítám právě Jill. 25 minut se nezdá vůbec mnoho, ale věřte mi, je to proklatě moc!

Loučí se

Saturday 6 July 2013

Yoga - The Ultimate Tool for Peacefulness (a.k.a. Ode to Sadie Nardini)

I decided to share my secret with the world and possibly even help someone to discover this magical thing called yoga.

Yeah, I know. I doubt there is anyone left who has no idea what yoga actually is. In the last few years, yoga has experienced a massive booooom among people of all classes, nationalities and religions or beliefs. And do you know what I think? It's terrific!!!

Sadie Nardini... Does the name ring a bell? No? How is that even possible? No, just kidding. Until a few weeks ago, I had no idea who she is either (and I'm both ashamed and sorry for that). But then it happened. I discovered one of her yoga videos on youtube and I immediately fell in love. Here she is, take a look.

Sadie  herself- photo from her website (www.sadienardini.com)
Likable, isn't she? Wait till you exercise with her.

I have my history with yoga. It has been pretty unstable relationship full of break-ups and getting-back-togethers. But during all these years, I have never felt anything like what I feel when I practise with Sadie! And I swear I'm not exaggerating. After all, you tell me what you think after "meeting" her. Or do you already have some experience with this lady?

Here are some of my top-videos of hers:


Monday 1 July 2013

Back at (czech) home

Before it even started, the second trimester of my 1st year at Uni is over. I can hardly believe how incredibly fast time is running. Do you feel the same? It's like Christmas were only few weeks ago...Or I'm going crazy. That's a possibility as well.

As you may have understood from the title, I'm back in my homeland for the holidays. It's been only two weeks so far and I still feel somehow surreal. I'm pretty sure that as soon as I get used to it, I will have to leave to Scotland again. That's life.

So far, I've been enjoying the joy of seeing all of my friends and family members after such a long time. And I plan on keep on doing it until the Summer is over.

I've already managed to celebrate my return with some shopping as well.

If interested, take a closer look:

 My new lovely orange cell phone cover + heart sticker for my old beloved cell phone.

 Lace tank top, ochre T-shirt and my top-model Amy (she's not new, just exhibicionistic).

 Treat for my hair and nails.

 Last but not least!!!
